Babysitters in Sainte-Julie

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Heidi R.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Montréal
My name is Heidi, I'm 21 years old and I am currently a biology student at the university of UQAM.
| I have a lot of experiences with children. I babysit my brother since he is little. I also have babysit a lot of children near my house. I also had a lot of jobs that required taking care of kids. I was a swimming coach for children around 8-12 years old. I worked in a daycare for children with intellectual deficiency. Finally, before Covid I was a nanny for a one year old girl for 2 years.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Montréal
My name is Heidi, I'm 21 years old and I am currently a biology student at the university of UQAM.
| I have a lot of experiences with children. I babysit my brother since he is little. I also have babysit a lot of children near my house. I also had a lot of jobs that required taking care of kids. I was a swimming coach for children around 8-12 years old. I worked in a daycare for children with intellectual deficiency. Finally, before Covid I was a nanny for a one year old girl for 2 years.
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From $25 per hour \
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Babysitters in Sainte-Julie

When do you need child care?