Babysitters in Pontypool

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Julia L.
1 Verification
  • From $12 /hr
  • Pontypool
1 Verification
Optimistic Blonde With a Passion to Help
| I’ve grown up with my mother being an elementary school teacher, previously grade 1/2 and now kindergarten. I continuously go to volunteer in her classroom and I’ve grown to adore my time with her students - it’s remarkable how funny children can be! I also cooped in a grade 3 classroom during high school where I was able to learn a better understanding on how to problem-solve, relate, and bond with children.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Pontypool
Optimistic Blonde With a Passion to Help
| I’ve grown up with my mother being an elementary school teacher, previously grade 1/2 and now kindergarten. I continuously go to volunteer in her classroom and I’ve grown to adore my time with her students - it’s remarkable how funny children can be! I also cooped in a grade 3 classroom during high school where I was able to learn a better understanding on how to problem-solve, relate, and bond with children.
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From $12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Pontypool

When do you need child care?