Babysitters in Nottawa

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Emily H.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Nottawa
1 Verification
18 year old female babysitter
| I took a babysitting course when I was in Grade 8 and did baby sitting for just under a year for relatives and family friends mostly. I am able to help with homework and basic needs and am comfortable making meals and hanging out with the kids. I am a patient and fun babysitter I love kids and am looking for hours any time on weekends and during the week any time after school (2:30pm). My experience is somewhat limited because I have been working at places that involve my future career path (social work, psychotherapy). However, I have also worked at a children's art camp and was a camp counsellor who assisted in instructing crafts and supervising the kids on nature walks.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Nottawa
18 year old female babysitter
| I took a babysitting course when I was in Grade 8 and did baby sitting for just under a year for relatives and family friends mostly. I am able to help with homework and basic needs and am comfortable making meals and hanging out with the kids. I am a patient and fun babysitter I love kids and am looking for hours any time on weekends and during the week any time after school (2:30pm). My experience is somewhat limited because I have been working at places that involve my future career path (social work, psychotherapy). However, I have also worked at a children's art camp and was a camp counsellor who assisted in instructing crafts and supervising the kids on nature walks.
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Nottawa

When do you need child care?