Babysitters in Lakeville-Westmorland

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Naomi I.
  • From $18 /hr
  • Lakeville-Westmorland
Experienced Care Provider.
| I have babysat for about 8 years now providing meals, homework help and just really trying to be a friend. I have also worked as a camp counsellor for many years. I also work as a daycare educator. I believe that developing a real relationship with the child has the greatest impact one could hope for.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Lakeville-Westmorland
Experienced Care Provider.
| I have babysat for about 8 years now providing meals, homework help and just really trying to be a friend. I have also worked as a camp counsellor for many years. I also work as a daycare educator. I believe that developing a real relationship with the child has the greatest impact one could hope for.
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From $18 per hour \
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Babysitters in Lakeville-Westmorland

When do you need child care?