Babysitters in Inverary

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Maisey C.
Hired once
  • From $17 /hr
  • Inverary
Hired once
Enthusiastic caring babysitter
| I am currently attending St. Lawrence college for the Behavioural Science Program. I am in my third year and I am hoping to work with kids once I am graduated. I am attending my 4th placement at KGH in the child and adolescent inpatient unit. I have also been on placement in a Kindergarten class and a Grade 2 class. I am very excited to work with children of all ages. I am a supportive, organized, outgoing babysitter who wants to work with children as a career.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Inverary
Enthusiastic caring babysitter
| I am currently attending St. Lawrence college for the Behavioural Science Program. I am in my third year and I am hoping to work with kids once I am graduated. I am attending my 4th placement at KGH in the child and adolescent inpatient unit. I have also been on placement in a Kindergarten class and a Grade 2 class. I am very excited to work with children of all ages. I am a supportive, organized, outgoing babysitter who wants to work with children as a career.
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From $17 per hour \
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Babysitters in Inverary

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