Babysitters in Ile-des-Chenes

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Haley C.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Ile-des-Chenes
Haley's Babysitting Service.
| I have worked with children of all ages since I was 14 and started volunteering at my brother's daycare. I am now 21 (almost 22). I have since volunteered at day camps and worked my way up to co-running a day camp, where we had kids of all ages (4-13). I have also done some tutoring and am currently babysitting. - I also have 4 younger brothers (the youngest being 5). I am comfortable cooking for the kids, cleaning up after them, depending on their age I am also comfortable feeding them. - Bathing, bedtime, and dipper changing are also no issue. I love being active with the children, by this I mean going to the park, playing outside, doing arts and crafts, playing board games etc.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Ile-des-Chenes
Haley's Babysitting Service.
| I have worked with children of all ages since I was 14 and started volunteering at my brother's daycare. I am now 21 (almost 22). I have since volunteered at day camps and worked my way up to co-running a day camp, where we had kids of all ages (4-13). I have also done some tutoring and am currently babysitting. - I also have 4 younger brothers (the youngest being 5). I am comfortable cooking for the kids, cleaning up after them, depending on their age I am also comfortable feeding them. - Bathing, bedtime, and dipper changing are also no issue. I love being active with the children, by this I mean going to the park, playing outside, doing arts and crafts, playing board games etc.
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Ile-des-Chenes

When do you need child care?