Babysitters in Goulds

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Cynthia W.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Goulds
Child and youth care worker
| I am currently in school for child and youth care, I have been babysitting for seven years and I have experience with working with up too three children at a time, I can do house cleaning, cooking, bottle feeding, and bedtime story reading whatever they like , dipper changing.. a little poop don't scare me, I've cared for many young children going threw pot training, and I know they can make Big messes.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Goulds
Child and youth care worker
| I am currently in school for child and youth care, I have been babysitting for seven years and I have experience with working with up too three children at a time, I can do house cleaning, cooking, bottle feeding, and bedtime story reading whatever they like , dipper changing.. a little poop don't scare me, I've cared for many young children going threw pot training, and I know they can make Big messes.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Goulds

When do you need child care?