Babysitters in Fournier

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Jessica B.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $12 /hr
  • Riceville
1 Verification Hired once
Jessica Bastien. 20 year old girl that absolutely LOVES children.
| I am 20. I have babysat children between the ages of 0 and 14. I love working with children. I am very patient, responsible and caring. I have been babysitting for 8 years now and participated in a 5 month long coop in a daycare. I also worked in a daycare, but I am now looking for something full-time with a private family.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Riceville
Jessica Bastien. 20 year old girl that absolutely LOVES children.
| I am 20. I have babysat children between the ages of 0 and 14. I love working with children. I am very patient, responsible and caring. I have been babysitting for 8 years now and participated in a 5 month long coop in a daycare. I also worked in a daycare, but I am now looking for something full-time with a private family.
... more
From $12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Fournier

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