Babysitters in Errington

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Kiyomi D.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Errington
1 Verification
Kind, gentle, and friendly babysitter
| Hi there! I am 20 years old and taking a break from university at the moment. I have a love for caring for children and would be overjoyed to help out some parents in need of some childcare! I have babysat many children throughout my life as well as tutored some. I have also previously worked as a swim coach working with younger children and as a lifeguard. It would be a pleasure to get to know your wonderful children and provide the care they need while you are away.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Errington
Kind, gentle, and friendly babysitter
| Hi there! I am 20 years old and taking a break from university at the moment. I have a love for caring for children and would be overjoyed to help out some parents in need of some childcare! I have babysat many children throughout my life as well as tutored some. I have also previously worked as a swim coach working with younger children and as a lifeguard. It would be a pleasure to get to know your wonderful children and provide the care they need while you are away.
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From $17 per hour \
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Babysitters in Errington

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