Babysitters in Dundurn

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Amy L.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Dundurn
Extensive experience as a childcare provider. Nanny, Daycare provider, and EA.
| I am a farm wide with bio 2 children and 2 step children, all above the age of 12. I ran my own in-home daycare for 5 years and then became a Education Associate for Prairie Spirit School Division. I enjoyed that career for 4 years, with no intention to leave but breast cancer changed my life direction. Then due to covid, I did not return. Before my children arrived, I was a nanny for 2 families. I am happy, healthy and strong and now able to start a new path. I have an abundant amount of experience working with children, at all developmental stages. I also have experience working with Autism and ADHD.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Dundurn
Extensive experience as a childcare provider. Nanny, Daycare provider, and EA.
| I am a farm wide with bio 2 children and 2 step children, all above the age of 12. I ran my own in-home daycare for 5 years and then became a Education Associate for Prairie Spirit School Division. I enjoyed that career for 4 years, with no intention to leave but breast cancer changed my life direction. Then due to covid, I did not return. Before my children arrived, I was a nanny for 2 families. I am happy, healthy and strong and now able to start a new path. I have an abundant amount of experience working with children, at all developmental stages. I also have experience working with Autism and ADHD.
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From $17 per hour \
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Babysitters in Dundurn

When do you need child care?