Babysitters in Corman Park

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Emarie H.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Corman Park
1 Verification
Casual Babysitter
| Hi there! My name is Emarie and I am a charismatic 23 year old with a little one of my own. Her name is J and she is 5 years old and she would love to play with your little ones! I am currently laid off from my seasonal labourer position with the City of Saskatoon. My Partner Floridan and I raise our daughter on a 10 acre lot approximately 7 minutes outside of saskatoon. We have lots of space for kids to run around and explore the beautiful space we call home. I have babysat little ones since I was 12 years old as well as experience working within a licensed daycare for just under a year back in 2015. We also have 4 kitties who stay outside, but thought it was worth mentioning just in case of allergies or anxieties about animals! I look forward to meeting you and your little ones!
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Corman Park
Casual Babysitter
| Hi there! My name is Emarie and I am a charismatic 23 year old with a little one of my own. Her name is J and she is 5 years old and she would love to play with your little ones! I am currently laid off from my seasonal labourer position with the City of Saskatoon. My Partner Floridan and I raise our daughter on a 10 acre lot approximately 7 minutes outside of saskatoon. We have lots of space for kids to run around and explore the beautiful space we call home. I have babysat little ones since I was 12 years old as well as experience working within a licensed daycare for just under a year back in 2015. We also have 4 kitties who stay outside, but thought it was worth mentioning just in case of allergies or anxieties about animals! I look forward to meeting you and your little ones!
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Corman Park

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