Babysitters in Chesley

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Gina L.
1 Verification Hired once
  • From $16 /hr
  • Chesley
1 Verification Hired once
Creative, and love to keep kids doing what they love: Having fun!
| My mom was a home childcare provider and I learned a lot from her. I have since then took on a lot of babysitting jobs, as well as I love working with families in my area, with their kids and jobs around the house. I have also interacted a lot with a special needs child I lived with, getting to know them and how to care for her.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Chesley
Creative, and love to keep kids doing what they love: Having fun!
| My mom was a home childcare provider and I learned a lot from her. I have since then took on a lot of babysitting jobs, as well as I love working with families in my area, with their kids and jobs around the house. I have also interacted a lot with a special needs child I lived with, getting to know them and how to care for her.
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Chesley

When do you need child care?