Babysitters in Canning

Select from 176 babysitters near you.

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Madison H.
  • From $21 /hr
  • Canning
Maddie’s In home babysitting
| Love being around children! Have 2 nephews and I’m around them all the time. Would love you help someone out by watching their kids!
... more
  • From $21 /hr
  • Canning
Maddie’s In home babysitting
| Love being around children! Have 2 nephews and I’m around them all the time. Would love you help someone out by watching their kids!
... more
From $21 per hour \
Kimandra B.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Canning
I love kids they are fun, cute and I love caring for them
| I am good at cooking, playing games, reading stories and figuring out what a child needs when they need it. I have taken care of my two little brother and my two little cousins and other kids outside of my family. I am a Christian and I’m just looking for an opportunity to help me accomplish the goals I have and God’s purpose for my life
... more
  • From $12 /hr
  • Canning
I love kids they are fun, cute and I love caring for them
| I am good at cooking, playing games, reading stories and figuring out what a child needs when they need it. I have taken care of my two little brother and my two little cousins and other kids outside of my family. I am a Christian and I’m just looking for an opportunity to help me accomplish the goals I have and God’s purpose for my life
... more
From $12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Canning

When do you need child care?