Babysitters in Belle Ewart

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Mackenzie L.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Oromocto/Burton
Quite a bit of experience with kids of different ages, I love being creative and I’m also playful!
| I’ve babysit for a few family’s now, the youngest being at least 1 year old with 2 other siblings, I’ve babysat a 5 year old a few times a week during Highschool (summer vacation) for a military family until school started back up (I am now graduated), and I’ve babysat for a family with 2 kids who both have autism. So I have experience with young kids, kids up to 12 years old, and kids with autism.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Oromocto/Burton
Quite a bit of experience with kids of different ages, I love being creative and I’m also playful!
| I’ve babysit for a few family’s now, the youngest being at least 1 year old with 2 other siblings, I’ve babysat a 5 year old a few times a week during Highschool (summer vacation) for a military family until school started back up (I am now graduated), and I’ve babysat for a family with 2 kids who both have autism. So I have experience with young kids, kids up to 12 years old, and kids with autism.
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From $14 per hour \
Kyla K.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Belle Ewart
babysitter/ light housework!
| hello! im a young momma to an 8 month old little boy, currently in collage for psychology but i do it at home on my own time, im available most times. i hope to hear back and have a good day!
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Belle Ewart
babysitter/ light housework!
| hello! im a young momma to an 8 month old little boy, currently in collage for psychology but i do it at home on my own time, im available most times. i hope to hear back and have a good day!
... more
From $17 per hour \
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Babysitters in Belle Ewart

When do you need child care?