Babysitters in Baxters Corner

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Mackenzie C.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Baxters Corner
Responsible, caring, compassionate, and trusting, I’m a fast learner and I’m quick on my feet.
| I’ve work with kids for many years, previously I was a hockey coach to school aged children, I’m Currently in university taking my arts degree to get a degree in teaching, I’m also French. I have a certificate in CPR and I’ve had first aid training. I really enjoy cooking and making new foods, I love doing arts and crafts and helping children build mobility skills and learn new things. I’m comfortable with children of all ages and able to work whenever.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Baxters Corner
Responsible, caring, compassionate, and trusting, I’m a fast learner and I’m quick on my feet.
| I’ve work with kids for many years, previously I was a hockey coach to school aged children, I’m Currently in university taking my arts degree to get a degree in teaching, I’m also French. I have a certificate in CPR and I’ve had first aid training. I really enjoy cooking and making new foods, I love doing arts and crafts and helping children build mobility skills and learn new things. I’m comfortable with children of all ages and able to work whenever.
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Baxters Corner

When do you need child care?