Babysitters in Arkona

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Gracie L.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Arkona
Experienced, enthusiastic, creative, children's caregiver
| Hello! My name is Gracie. I love working with children - teaching, encouraging, helping them to grow as individuals, making them feel special, most of all, loving them. I have had extensive experience working with children of all ages; babysitting, camp counselling, Head Children's Programmer, and this past summer I had the privilege of leading a children's summer paddle day camp. I worked for 5 summers up north at Joy Bible Camp in various positions over the years - which included childcare, life guard for 2 years, finishing out my last summer as a head program coordinator for family and children's camps. I understand the importance of creating a fun, positive, safe environment for children, one where they can learn and grow as unique individuals! Every child is different, with different interests, unique ways of learning etc. and should be treated as such. I have had experience with homeschooling (I was home schooled junior kindergarten to grade 8 - well versed in different curriculum and learning styles) and trained in the Royal Conservatory of Piano until level 8. I am an enthusiastic, creative, joyful, with a huge heart for children!
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Arkona
Experienced, enthusiastic, creative, children's caregiver
| Hello! My name is Gracie. I love working with children - teaching, encouraging, helping them to grow as individuals, making them feel special, most of all, loving them. I have had extensive experience working with children of all ages; babysitting, camp counselling, Head Children's Programmer, and this past summer I had the privilege of leading a children's summer paddle day camp. I worked for 5 summers up north at Joy Bible Camp in various positions over the years - which included childcare, life guard for 2 years, finishing out my last summer as a head program coordinator for family and children's camps. I understand the importance of creating a fun, positive, safe environment for children, one where they can learn and grow as unique individuals! Every child is different, with different interests, unique ways of learning etc. and should be treated as such. I have had experience with homeschooling (I was home schooled junior kindergarten to grade 8 - well versed in different curriculum and learning styles) and trained in the Royal Conservatory of Piano until level 8. I am an enthusiastic, creative, joyful, with a huge heart for children!
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From $14 per hour \
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Babysitters in Arkona

When do you need child care?