Daycare Jobs in Outremont

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Attention: Nanny Needed for Our Child

by Samar • Outremont
Hello, we are searching for a responsible, reliable and energetic nanny with a few years experience who can help us with our child. Please apply if you think you'd be a good match for our family.
$16 - $211 Hr. / Week

Past Childminder Jobs in Outremont

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Assistance @ temps plein pour nouvelle maman avec bébé de 3 mois à Outremont (25~30 $/h)
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by Michel • Outremont
Outremont. 5 jours semaine avec un bébé (adorable petit garçon) de trois mois. 10+ années d'expérience avec solides références dans les secteurs Outremont, Westmount ou Ville Mont-Royal. Très propre et d'organisation. Nous avons coché "ménage léger" mais nous avons aussi une autre personne spécifiquement pour le ménage et lavage. On cherche donc surtout une aide pour prendre soin du bébé et donner une assistance à la maman pendant la journée. Cela peut inclure aussi de préparer des repas, faire l'épicerie, organiser la maison pour rendre la vie de Maman et Papa plus agréable, avec plus de temps de qualité le soir et les weekend avec bébé alors que tout est bien rangé, organisé, que bébé est toujours bien entouré de soins tendres et aimants, mais surtout expérimentés et fiables. Les mamans ayant leurs propres enfants maintenant plus vieux et autonomes seront priorisées. Si vous êtes intéressée, merci d'envoyer une description de vos expériences les plus pertinentes. Si nous allons plus loin, nous allons vouloir vous rencontrer et appeler vos références. Cordialement.
$652 - $83840 Hr. / Week

Need a Licensed In-Home Daycare Provider for Our Child
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by Paul • Outremont
Hello, we are searching for a responsible, reliable and licensed in-home daycare provider with a few years experience who can help us with our child. Looking forward to hearing from you.
$652 - $8386 days, 40 Hr.

Tutor for 4.5 years old boy in Outremont
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by Marie-Eve • Outremont
Looking for a tutor to help our 4.5 year old boy to prepare for school. We are looking for someone that can do 2 to 3 morning per week in our house. We are looking for someone that has experience in young child education. We are flexible on the week days and hours but would prefer morning hours (about 2 hrs per day)
$33 - $422 Hr. / Day

Licensed In-Home Daycare Provider Needed for Our Child in Outremont H2V
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by nTtojE • Outremont
We need an experienced in-home daycare provider to take care of our child. We would like someone who is experienced, reliable and lives near Outremont H2V. Send me a message to receive further details.
$98 - $1266 Hr. / Week

Looking for an In-Home Daycare Provider for 2 Children
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by faWyCHFXe • Outremont
Need an in-home daycare provider to look after 2 children. Ideally you would have a few years of experience, references and live near Outremont H2V. Send me a message to receive further details.
$18 - $23 / Hour

Experienced In-Home Daycare Provider Wanted for 2 Children
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by Marc-Antoine • Outremont
Hi, I live in Outremont and I need someone to take care of 1 children (maybe 2). First one is at school and finishes at 14:30. The other is at daycare so not sure yet if we need help for him as hours are more flexible.
$215 - $27712 Hr. / Week

Looking for an In-Home Daycare Provider for Our Child
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by Murad • Outremont
We are looking for an in-home daycare provider to help us with our child. Experience and references are a plus. Please apply if you think you'd be a good match for our family.
$114 - $1477 Hr. / Week

Licensed In-Home Daycare Provider Needed for 3 Children in Outremont H2V
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by Gabriel • Outremont
We are in urgent need of an in-home daycare provider for 3 children. We need someone near Outremont H2V who is experienced, reliable and trustworthy. Looking forward to hearing from you.
$782 - $1,00640 Hr. / Week

Licensed In-Home Daycare Provider Needed For Our Child In Outremont H2V
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by Flora • Outremont
We are looking for a babysitter and responsible in-home daycare provider to look after our child. We would like someone with a few years experience, references, and who lives near Outremont. Thank you for reading. Please apply if you think you'd be a good match for our family.
$16 - $21 / Hour
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Daycare Jobs in Outremont

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