Pet Care in Sydney

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Azul V.
Azul Featured
  • From $25
  • Sydney
7 1 Verification
22 years old girl student of Zootecnia engineering
| Hi! I totally love being around animals, I do have 3 beautiful dogs and 3 kitties back home. I worked as veterinary assistant, besides, in my country, I completed three years of studies in an animal-related field. Back home in Costa Rica, I helped my mom with her small rescue center for cats and dogs. We provide care and find permanent homes for them, although it can be challenging to facilitate adoptions. At the moment, we have around 20 cats and 10 dogs. I am passionate about animals, patient, gentle, and dedicated, and I would love the opportunity to spend time with them.
Azul was awesome with my 1-year-old, she was super patient, caring, and made sure my little one was happy and comfortable the whole time. From playtime to meals, she took care of everything, and stuck to our schedules without a hitch. I felt totally relaxed knowing my kid was in great hands. She’s also great with pets, which worked perfectly since we have a friendly dog. I’d definitely recommend her to anyone looking for a reliable and chill babysitter!"
... "more
Reviewed by Xavier S.
Rebecca E.
  • From $9
  • Sydney
10 1 Verification Hired x 3
Hey my name is Rebecca, i love animals !
| I have a farm back in France ! So many years around any kind of loving animals. I live for them !
Rebecca recently took care of our 3 year old son. She was super prompt arriving to the house, fed our toddler, put him safely to bed, and sent us “updates” throughout the day to reassure us things were okay. She was also wonderful with our fur baby, our golden retriever (4 years old.) I would highly recommend Rebecca, and have no hesitation in engaging her services again. She was chatty, friendly, and lovely to be around."
... "more
Reviewed by Carly M.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet carers in Sydney is between $18 and $23
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Pet Care in Sydney

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