Pet Care in Hobart

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Rita M.
  • From $9
  • Hobart
1 1 Verification Hired Once
Pet sitter and house keeper!
| I’m from Portugal I am 28 years old, I arrived in Australia in 2018 and I did some volunteer at rescue wild animals in Perth, I did take care of kanguru, snakes, spiders, birds, guinea pigs, and so on... I am a teacher, but coming to Australia increased my dream of being a Vet, as I do love animals and be surrounded by them. Currently I am working at K9, so I do work with animals, dogs particularly and I do babysitting where I have two cats to look out for. I always had pets and I do have a dog with 11 months, I know how to give them medicine, grooming, feed them training them, and make them having fun. I can also do some light housekeeping.
Rita has taken care of our 14 month old son for about four months, two days a week. She is the first person we ever left our son with outside of family and I was very nervous. Rita’s calm, gentle and capable demeanour put me at ease right away and our son took to her straight away too. She sent me videos and photos so that I could feel less anxious and was very understanding. She followed our instructions carefully regarding feeding and napping but also things like making sure our son was gentle with our pets, which were important to us. She speaks Spanish and English to our son as we requested because we are teaching him Spanish. She is very kind and fun to talk to and takes her role seriously. Rita has been such an enormous help to our family and we are so lucky to have her!"
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Reviewed by Kerry S.
Asavari S.
  • From $9
  • Lenah Valley
1 Hired Once
Call me Ash! I'm just your neighborhood friendly pet over!
| Need a fellow pet lover for your baby?I am passionate about animals and I would love to look after and care for your precious member of the the family. I have grew up with dogs and cats all my life. So I have tons of experience with caring for them. I've also had family friends leave their pets in my care in the past. I just love being around animals they bring me much joy and I deeply care about their well being.
Asavari has worked for us on multiple occasions after connecting through A. has been awesome! Kind, warm, friendly, and trustworthy. Sadly for us we really need someone with driver's license right now, but otherwise we would have snapped A. up permanently for sure. She has been amazing and really helped us out in the short term. A. has shown initiative, great work ethic, flexibility, care and responsibility in helping to look after our children, keeping them occupied and safe, walking them to and from sports activities, as well as helping with cleaning and tidying duties around the house. Our life was hectic and overwhelming but then A. walked in the door, and she really helped bring back some much needed order and calm :)"
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Reviewed by Jannette A.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for pet carers in Hobart is between $18 and $23
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Pet Care in Hobart

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