Happy uruguayan couple easy going and active ! Funny nature lovers with professional background.
We are an easygoing couple from Uruguay travelling to Australia looking for professional oportunities to develop our careers. Regina has already lived there for a year during 2015. As a team we are open minded and keen to details. We have our own house in Uruguay and know the importance of taking care of everything such as we do here. We are pet and plant lovers who really enjoy spending time in nature and doing excercise. For any further information do not hesitate on contacting me back. We are arriving to Australia on the 1st of June 2023 planning to settle down in Queensland.
We are looking for pet sitting as a chance to adapt there while saving money during job looking period. We love sharing time with animals as a fullfilment experience. Also its a great opportunity to get to know the city through walks with the new buddies.
After all your pets will be our company.
Uruguayan lovely couple. Funny nature lovers with professional background.