my name Is Emily im 24 and I live in palm beach! House cleaner
After graduating a year ago, I have currently returned home from
working in America where I was teaching abroad in for the summer
at a summer camp in Pennsylvania, where I taught five classes a
day, seven days a week to children from the ages of seven through
to sixteen. In addition to this, I was also put in charge of creating
the backdrops, props, posters and billboards that I designed and
produced to be displayed around the camp as part of their media
design team.
I was also in charge of running the classes daily and assigning
different jobs to my team members everyday. In addition to this,
over the past year I have also traveled to Cambodia to volunteer in
a school for a month where I taught English classes five days a
week, teaching children ages from seven to twelve, helping and
tutoring those less fortunate across the world. I also visited
food banks on the weekend, and helped rebuild parts of the
town I worked in.
House cleaner experienced