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Ackhala R.
5085, Enfield, Port Adelaide Enfield
From $25 /hr
From $25
Hourly rate

About Ackhala

20 years old
Hello! My name is Ackhala R, and I'm a first Year student studying at UniSA, that is currently studying a Diploma of Arts. I'm hoping to be able to start my Bachelor of Secondary education next year, where I can hopefully start teaching to get a first hand experience of what being a teacher is like! So far I don't have any experience in tutoring but I do enjoy teaching people in other things as I find it rewarding and valuable that they are able to learn the things I taught to them and put it to practical use. But if you do want to hire me as a tutor, I primarily specalise in English and History, with History being my favourite! With English I can teach you Vocabulary, Grammar, Literacy, paragraph writing, essay structures, and Referencing. And with History, I mainly enjoy all things about Modern history such as WW1, WW2, the cold war, and all things up to the present. I can teach you how to Source, Breaking down key events and arguments, explore the key effects and perspective of the topic, and bring in my prior knowledge of English writing into history, as history involves a lot of English writing and techniques.


Secondary school
Primary school




Purpose and preferred environment

Homework help
Group lessons
Individual tutoring