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Linda I.
3722, Mansfield, Mansfield
From $40 /hr
year exp.
From $40
Hourly rate

About Linda

57 years old
My greatest joy besides spending time with my family is educating and lifting others up in any way I can. I am a woman with many experiences in life and have always enjoyed helping others. I began working at 15 years old as an office clerk, however, after working with paper and in an office environment for most of my life - I now need to shift gears and get active. Whilst I enjoy making "to do" lists and achieving goals, I thrive on challenges, routines and chaos which have managed to blend into my life seamlessly. Recently, I had an experience that makes me want to do more meaningful work and be helpful to others that may not include as much paperwork. Therefore, upon reflection I do not have any degrees but, am very personable and understanding with family members and extended family that are ADHD, drug dependent, depression, bipolar and Autism. Consequently, employment as a career seems the obvious choice of providing me the chance to fulfill my happiness radar whilst helping others in a real time way.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

People living with

Cognitive Disabilities
Autism spectrum disorder

Age groups

Child (2-12 years)
Adult (20-64 years)
Teenager (13-19 years)
