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Sophie F.
4217, Main Beach, Gold Coast
From $25 /hr
years exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Sophie

23 years old
I've been surrounded by pets my whole life, most of my family and friends have pets, both young and senior in age. I grew up with my childhood dog named Bonnie who was a Maltese x Poodle breed. Bonnie passed away back in June of this year, and it's been quite lonely ever since. I have always loved dogs and I miss being able to go on a daily walk with a pet by my side. I recently have walked and taken care of my friend’s pets when they have gone on vacation. Know that your pet will be in safe and capable hands. I am extremely reliable and adapt very quickly to the different personalities of pets. Please reach out if you have any further questions and I look forward to walking your beloved pet!
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Young pets
Adult pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Walking $25 / walk