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Niru J.
2144, Auburn, Auburn
From $20 /hr
From $20
Hourly rate

About Niru

26 years old
Hi , My name is Niru, and I am writing to offer my pet care services to you. As a lifelong animal lover and pet owner, I truly understand how much your pets mean to you, and I know the importance of finding someone who can provide the love, attention, and care they deserve. Having grown up with a dog and two cats back in my home country, I have hands-on experience in taking care of pets with diverse personalities and needs. What makes me stand out as a pet caregiver is my genuine passion for animals and my understanding that every pet is unique. Whether it’s a playful dog or an independent cat, I take the time to get to know each pet, ensuring they feel comfortable, secure, and happy in my care. Thank you for considering me to care for your beloved pets. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you and your furry friends!

Experience caring for

Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $20 / visit
Walking $30 / walk
Day care $30 / day