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Maz K.
3071, Thornbury, Darebin
From $9 /hr
year exp.
From $9
Hourly rate

About Maz

33 years old
I am a reliable and easy going person. Looking forward to keeping your pet company, and giving them the love and attention they deserve. Our home is smoke-free and clean and keep two dogs Abbi and Rufus they are both free to roam around the house with easy access 24hr into the backyard where they enjoy soaking up the sun. Rufus does not mind spending time on his own, usually tucked under a blanket having a snooze. Then there's Abbi she is very adventurous, boastful and enjoys being in the limelight. If she isn't following Rufus around she is exploring the nooks and crannies in the hope she will find a food wrapper (at the very least) to snack on. If there are visitors in the house who they are not familiar with it tends to spark a gentle curiosity in both of them. Both are toilet trained, well groomed roughly every 30+ days they are taken for a wash and soap scrubbed a well rounded pair of pups. I tend to follow a consistent daily schedule around feeding/walking times, but don't mind changing it up every so often.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Reptile(s) / Amphibian(s)
Small mammal(s)
Adult pets
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $17 / visit
Walking $27 / walk
Overnight sitting $67 / night
Day care $50 / day