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Hayaat A.
2073, West Pymble, Ku-ring-gai
From $9 /hr
From $9
Hourly rate

About Hayaat

24 years old
Although I may have zero experience in taking care of someone else's pets, I live in a household of five cats (Cheetah male, Gakuto male, Kurumi female, Mimi female, Miyu female), one dog (Taichi male) and two birds. In which when my parents are not home, I take care of them such as giving them food, providing them blankets when they are sleeping, letting my cats and dog play in the background which is pretty big and I monitor them to make sure that they don't run away or hide such as climbing over the fence along with making sure that they do not get injured. I take my dog (Taichi) for walking daily to the park for as a means of exercise for both him and me as I usually study and play games. As you can see I am very friendly with animals and I have a sense of responsibility. I have a nice and polite personality. I hope you can hire me as it would be very helpful for me thank you for reading this message.

Experience caring for

Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
Medium-sized dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $15 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Day care $25 / day