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Danielle R.
3197, Patterson Lakes, Kingston
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Danielle

37 years old
Hi there! I’m Danielle- 36 years old. Experience with all animals and live in Patterson lakes. I can RUN or walk your dog and administer medications, do home visits and send you daily updates on your pet. ABOUT ME: I am a self employed business owner which gives me flexibility with my hours and offers lots of freedom. I am the biggest animal lover and enjoy being outdoors with furry friends. I have a rescue dog of my own who is 12 years old, her name is sparkie. I also 2 cats, one is named George and a British Blue named Diego I love all animals and have immersed myself around them since I was born, having dogs, cats, cockatoo, snakes, Horse ( I also am a rescuer). I have cared for pets of all sizes, ages and breeds! I understand the importance of having someone you trust with the care of your best friend while at work or away because they are our best friends! I have experience in care for senior dogs and their special needs. I understand the importance of patience and a calm nature. My dog Jack was a 17 year old kelpie and I loved/cared for him till his last breath. I am athletic and run, if you have young dogs, I can burn off their super high energy and take them with me on a run from 4km to 10km
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Small mammal(s)
Reptile(s) / Amphibian(s)
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $25 / visit
Walking $25 / walk
Day care $35 / day