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Arthur D.
3011, Footscray, Maribyrnong
From $9 /hr
year exp.
From $9
Hourly rate

About Arthur

25 years old
I take care of my 3 dogs during my whole life, I also keep the dogs and cats of all my neighbourhood. I love them, I make them play, eat, have some exercise and keep them clean for when the owner come back. I always live with a dog, pet's are one of my best hobbys. I know them very well and they love me to. I am not scared of them and I can make them do some exercise feed them and make them happy in general. If you need any complementary information on me just send me a message it will be a pleasure to talk with you.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
See more

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $20 / hour
Training $20 / hour

Price per session

Feeding $20 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Overnight sitting $30 / night
Day care $20 / day