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Violet M.
4884, Yungaburra, Tablelands
From $20 /hr
From $20
Hourly rate

About Violet

18 years old Speaks English
Hi my name Violet and im 18 years old, now hearing im 18 years old you may be thinking a few things along the lines of immaturity or inability to do a sufficient job due to less experience on life and in cleaning itself BUT im not like other 18 year olds im confident, graceful, intelligent, kind, mature & quiet. I see myself as a very hard working person due to my upbringing and mindset on life. I don’t have much experience I the realm of jobs but im interested in learning and my difficulties with finding work has to do with living rural, being young & having very little experience and access to anything. I have a lot of at home experience in cleaning but im unsure if id say thats real “experience”. I am very dedicated when im in work mode, i need to only be doing my work and once I know what im doing it’s impossible for my brain to forget it. I love cleaning as it provides me with a job that requires no necessary communication with others, it’s just me so I know what im doing with no distractions or tear downs or other co workers or even just piers & I take lots of pride in my work, I love knowing im going to put on lots of hard work for it to look amazing as well.


Household help

Window cleaning
Floor cleaning


Raking leaves