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Roger L.
4503, Kallangur, Moreton Bay
From $30 /hr
years exp.
From $30
Hourly rate

About Roger

42 years old Speaks English Tagalog Chinese Arabic
Thank you in advance. Over the years I have had lots of life skills and experiences that are a match for the job descriptions. I understand the importance of great teamwork and I enjoy working under pressure. I am able to deliver excellent customer service and ensure that customers come back to the business time and time again in the future. In previous roles, I had a reputation for being someone who could be relied upon to carry the challenging tasks under pressure and my manager often praised me for my determination and resilience in challenging situations. For example, I often dealt with customers' issues or complaints successfully and my manager could leave me alone to get on with the job, knowing it would be done to the right standard. I am the type of person who will be a positive role model if I will be given a chance to be part of your business. I will work with you to ensure your business grows and I always act with high levels of Honesty, Integrity, and professionalism.
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets Contactless Interested in live-in jobs Police / Working With Children Check


Household help

Bed changing
Oven cleaning
Refrigerator cleaning
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Window cleaning
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