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Lachen T.
2602, Downer, Canberra
From $30 /hr
year exp.
From $30
Hourly rate

About Lachen

28 years old Speaks Nepali Hindi English
I am Lachen and I am from one of the happiest country known as Bhutan. It’s been around 3 months in Australia, Canberra on a dependent visa of my spouse, who is currently pursuing Masters Program in University of Canberra. We have been granted visa for the period of 7 years. Prior to my visit in Canberra I was working in Bhutan as a cleaners in one of the office in a place callled Pemagathsel in Bhutan. With the blessing of god, I got selected in house keeping role at IBiS hotel at Canberra and it’s been 3 months now working as a house keeper. My daily routine starts with cleaning of room including windows and toilets , making of bedding and other laundry support as and when required by client.
Police / Working With Children Check


Household help

Window cleaning
Floor cleaning