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Emily P.
4226, Merrimac, Gold Coast
From $27 /hr
From $27
Hourly rate

About Emily

34 years old
I have had experience cleaning in a variety of previous jobs that I've had. When I worked as an Teachers Aide in food and nutrition I was responsible for a variety of tasks that where very much like household tasks. These included, ordering ingredients for all 7 classes, cleaning and stocking of the pantry and fridges, washing and folding tea towels, wiping over benches after class, checking and cleaning students draws, organising ingredients ready for practical classes, packing and unpacking the dishwasher and cleaning of dishes. As a Catering Assistant in an aged care facility I had to ensure the cleanliness of all dishes, the dinning areas, the fridges and all surfaces in the kitchen.


Household help

Bed changing
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Window cleaning
Floor cleaning
Wall cleaning
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