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Delia R.
6714, Baynton, Karratha
From $28 /hr
year exp.
From $28
Hourly rate

About Delia

55 years old Speaks English Afrikaans
I have been working in Aged care for the last 8 years primarily qualified in high care dementia . I have also been working in the community support unit where my duties have included house cleaning and cooking , shopping and doctors appointments. Some of my clients I support have disabilities and are NDIS funded . I concider myself to be reliable and respectful , considering and caring individual . I always coincided individual needs in a home inviorment .I presently enjoy all aspects of my job including working proffesionally with management on a creative and supportive level .I am a mature lady with no dependence . I regularly go to the gym and take art classes and volunteer some of my time in emergency relief centres Enjoy spending free time with family
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets Police / Working With Children Check


Household help

Bed changing
Oven cleaning
Refrigerator cleaning
Floor cleaning
Grocery shopping