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Darren R.
4558, Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast
From $30 /hr
year exp.
From $30
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Darren

51 years old Speaks English
Hi everyone! Putting myself in your position, seeking someone to deliver a quality service without knowing anything about them previously, can be a daunting task, especially if you require the service in your own home. As a former domestic cleaner for a state government department, I've had Australian Federal Police checks every three years for much of my 15+ years in that role. Prior to this, I worked in the childcare and disability fields, where similar checks were mandatory. I can only convince you of the quality of my work by example, but I believe that an effective working relationship begins and ends with expectations; if I know exactly what you expect, I can do whatever is practical to meet (and hopefully exceed) your needs.
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets Police / Working With Children Check


Household help

Bed changing
Refrigerator cleaning
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Window cleaning
Floor cleaning