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Bonnevie R.
2557, Gledswood Hills, Camden
From $22 /hr
years exp.
From $22
Hourly rate

About Bonnevie

27 years old Speaks English
I submit my application with enthusiasm for the Room Attendant position in your good Company. As I believe that my knowledge and experience would make me valuable addition to your team and company. And also believe that I would finish all associated duties successfully and in a timely manner. I am Bonnevie graduated from CDO-TVI ( Cagayan de Oro Technical Vocational Institute under Housekeeping National Certificate II qualification. I have work experience as a Room Attendant at The Hotel. There I am in charge of cleaning rooms and public areas, maintaining that the area should be clean. Additionally, knowledge of cleaning/standards operating procedures, check the area if it's clean, well sanitized and organize at all time. I am very attracted to this job opportunity because you are the company committed to providing high quality services to guest and client. Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Yours sincerely, Bonnevie


Household help

Bed changing
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Furniture cleaning
Carpet cleaning