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Akshita S.
5014, Hendon, Charles Sturt
From $25 /hr
years exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Akshita

19 years old Speaks Hindi English
Hello, my name is Akshita!! I am a first year university student and I am a dedicated and detail-oriented housekeeping assistant with a passion for creating clean and comfortable environments. With 1+ years of experience in the customer service industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every task. I have also had experience with domestic cleaning with a cleaning business owner and have learned ways to make a home clean and tidy for owners. I have the following experience: - Dishwashing - Mopping - Vacuuming - Sweeping - Dusting - Watering the garden - Wiping/cleaning furniture - Cleaning cabinets - Cleaning the kitchen and appliances I am willing to enhance my skills and provide quality services for you at an affordable price :)
Non-smoker Police / Working With Children Check


Household help

Bed changing
Oven cleaning
Refrigerator cleaning
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Window cleaning