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Tania H.
4363, Southbrook, Toowoomba
From $25 /hr
From $25
Hourly rate

About Tania

56 years old Speaks English
My name is Tania I am 54 years old. I am a mother to 3 girls and a grandmother to 4 grandchildren. My last two girls are currently 10 and 11 years old. I am non smoker, a non drinker and I do not participate in recreational drugs. I have a current blue card and a current drivers license. I have a love for little children and the way they express themselves. I am an advocate for small children and adolescents who either don't have a voice and needs to be heard, or their needs are simply not being met. I acknowledge that each child is different and they all have different perspectives. I will protect your children like they are my own and I will provide a safe environment while they are in my care.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

Early school age (4-6 years)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Teenagers (12+ years)
Primary school age (7-12 years)
Can care for 4 or more children


Activities (e.g. swimming)
Light housekeeping
Putting kids to bed


Driving Licence