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Mia L.
4218, Mermaid Waters, Gold Coast
From $19 /hr
year exp.
From $19
Hourly rate

About Mia

28 years old Speaks English French
Stated babysitting at the age of 15 for a family of two girls. Lola is the oldest, spent a lot of time doing creative activities (painting,drawing...),doing out doors activities(treasure hunting, different sports...)and helping her with homework. Her younger sister Capucine a sweet little girl that demanded a lot of time due to her disability, did creative activities with her was well and just had fun as much as possible. I would make sure that they were bathed and fed before going to bed and we would prepare lunch or diner together. At 18 I worked in a campsite looking after a little girl called Juliette. Looked after her 7am to 6pm and some nights . She was a toddler did day to day activities with her went to the park, beach and pool regularly. Made sure she wouldn't miss her 2 napes a day, made her breakfast lunch and diner and sometimes bathed her before er mum picked her up. Covered a couple of events at the same campsite looking after the kids and proposing different activities to keep them entertained. At 21 went on holidays for 3 weeks with the first family's grandparents to help them look after Capucine because it was to much for them to have both kids at the same time.

Experience caring for

Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Primary school age (7-12 years)
Early school age (4-6 years)
Can care for up to 3 children


Pick-up / Drop off
Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Putting kids to bed
Activities (e.g. swimming)
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Advanced Diploma