Babysitters in Mooloolaba

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Simone H.
Simone Featured
  • From $25 /hr
  • Mooloolaba
5 Hired x 4
Hi my name is Simone. I enjoy caring for children and enjoy their company
| I am a qualified assistant nurse and have completed certificate 3 in aged care. I have previous first aid experience also. Over 20 years experience babysitting children of all ages.
Simone helped us out very last minute and was super accommodating. The kids had a lot of fun, she helped out making dinner, taking the kids to the pool and was also very kind in staying back when we were unable to get back in time. I can high recommend Simone and we will definitely use her again."
... "more
Reviewed by Adrianne M.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Mooloolaba is between $24 and $31
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Babysitters in Mooloolaba

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