Babysitters in Logan

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Mylyn C.
Mylyn Featured
  • From $30 /hr
  • Park Ridge
1 1 Verification
I am a responsible and reliable, considerate, respectful. I can be fun around kids.
| Hi, My name is Mylyn. Originally from Philippines. Been living in Australia for 18years. I love kids and love being around them. I have a lot of experience looking after kids and new born babies. it’s just natural to me to do things for the little ones. They are very fragile and precious. They brighten up my day and always make me smile. I’m respectful and reliable, responsible and kind. Very patient and understanding.
Mylyn was an absolute pleasure to have. She had care of my two girls for a whole weekend. Communication was 24/7. Kept me updated about everything with the children (including photos). Took my children out to their activities and was on task with their routine. Asked many questions to make sure I was comfortable. Children adored her and had a great experience with her. Will definitely have her care for my children again."
... "more
Reviewed by Mimi A.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Logan is between $23 and $30
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Babysitters in Logan

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