Babysitters in Gosford

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Carley P.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Umina Beach
1 1 Verification
Thoughtful carer with a wealth of experience!
| Hello! My name is Carley! I have 10 years of experience watching children aged 3 months - 12 years old, both as a babysitter and a full time nanny. Fun fact! I came to Australia to be a full-time au pair and I am originally from the USA! I live in Umina Beach and have open availability. Qualifications - First Aid Certified in adults and children - Current police check - Current drivers license with zero accident history - My working with children check is currently being processed. Additional Experience - Looked after 4 children at once - Experience with twins - Experience with newborns - Favourite age group is 2-5 years old, but can make friends with anyone! - I am currently researching masters programs to become a primary school teacher.
Carley is amazing! As a first time mum, leaving my baby to go back to work was always going to be difficult but we knew from the get-go that our boy was in good hands with Carley. He loves hanging out with her and always has the biggest smile on his face when she arrives in the mornings. I especially enjoy the regular photo updates as it makes me feel like I’m part of the adventure that they are on that day and it puts my mind at ease knowing he is happy while I am unable to be with him. Unfortunately we are moving interstate but would take Carley with us if we could!"
... "more
Reviewed by Caitlin C.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Gosford is between $24 and $31
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Babysitters in Gosford

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