Babysitters in Casey

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Alison B.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Narre Warren North
1 1 Verification Hired Once
Friendly, trustly, experimented & independent nanny
| Hello, I am Alison, I recently move in Australia because of my husband. I have been au pair 2 years in America and 6 months in Australia. I also was a babysitter during my studies in my home country - France. The kids that I used to take care were between 4 to 11. As an au pair I had to take care of them during holidays, find activities, organized playdates… I also had to take care of them during school time, prepare their lunch, drop them at school, pick them up and then bring them to their after school activities. Recently I took care of a 3mo old and his 3years old brother. Also I had to take care of a 7mo old baby. As a babysitter, I used to take care of kids during night time so my role was to feed them, play with them and put them in bed. During my experiences, most of family had kids with different ages, so I had to manage with the needs of everybody and make sure everybody enjoyed their childhood ! I can be strict when needed. Kids normally like me, my friends will say that I am the magnet to them. If you need to call my reference please feel free to ask my host mom' number in Australia, I took care of her ADHD 9 years old. If you are interested please send me a message
Alison is a perfect babysitter for my family. we went through hard times during 2022 so we needed to find a babysitter to look after our newborn and 4yo toddler, who is flexible and can do the extra things like groceries, tidying up around the house. She ticked all the boxes plus she also went above and beyond by taking the kids to the park, providing educational plays and activities to my 4yo like baking, building lego blocks, hide and seek. I would definitely recommend Alison for those who are looking for a reliable and trustworthy nanny."
... "more
Reviewed by Yansen L.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Casey is between $24 and $31
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Babysitters in Casey

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