Babysitters in Capel

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Sophie L.
  • From $22 /hr
  • Dalyellup
1 1 Verification
Trust worthy childcare who loves spending time with children.
| I am a bubbly person, who rarely gets angry, I love spending time with the children in my care, if they are watching a movie, I would watch a movie with them. I also like to read books especially to children when they are in bed and getting ready for sleep. I am also the type of person who you can trust 100% with your children. Also if you tell me to do something while you are out like cook the children dinner or do some housework I don’t mind helping with that either.
My children really enjoyed there time spent with Sophie. Sophie has the biggest heart awesome with children always on time and very humble. We recommend her to anyone looking for a carer in the Southwest. Thank you so much Sophie my babies were sad when I gave them the news of you landing another job it's only upwards from here for you my friend. All the best from the fam"
... "more
Reviewed by Sammy-joe E.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Capel is between $23 and $30
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Babysitters in Capel

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