Babysitters in O'connor

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Maria P.
  • From $22 /hr
  • O'connor
3 Hired x 3
Gentle care. Sensitive to the needs and training of a young child.
| I am a highly qualified piano and musicianship teacher. I relate well to children. I have looked after my nieces and nephews.
Maria has been looking after my 8 year old son and helping with household chores for the last few months, which has been excellent. She picks him up from school, does homework and other activities (eg. board-games, music), prepares meals and helps with other chores (eg. dishes, vacuuming). She is very reliable, flexible and sensitive, and I would not hesitate to recommend her for other families."
... "more
Reviewed by Sarinda S.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in O'connor is between $24 and $31
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Babysitters in O'connor

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