Babysitters in Bayside

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Davyn W.
Davyn Featured
  • From $40 /hr
  • Brighton
3 Hired x 2
Young, trustworthy, confident, respectful, patient & flexible babysitter looking for work!
| Hey! My name is Davyn & I have been in the ECEC sector for nearly 3 and 1/2 years. I am currently working at an OSHC service as the lead Coordinator, I have worked in an Early Childhood Education & Care program & did private babysitting for 2 years. I currently hold: - WWCC - Police Check - Cert III in ECEC - First Aid & CPR training - Mandatory Reporting - Food Safety - Working Towards my Diploma of School Aged Care I am looking for a nurturing family to provide care for, I have such a passion for working with children and would love to show this to my possible clients in the future! If you’re looking for a carer whilst having more then 3 children, I have a work colleague & we would be happy to take on your job together & ensure all of your individual children are receiving the care they need! She has great experience with support work, If you would like her profile please don’t hesitate to contact me. As I live with 2 people who have vulnerabilities, I do request that you book me 7 days post illness including **GASTRO** Friendly reminder I will be on annual leave from 16th of Dec until Late January. Please reach out now or January 2025 if I sound like the right person for your family!
Davyn is absolutely amazing. I would 100% recommend her. She is very engaging with the kids and follows their routines. A very nice lady and babysitter."
... "more
Reviewed by Chloe H.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Bayside is between $25 and $32
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Babysitters in Bayside

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