Babysitters in Adelaide

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Vittoria T.
  • From $22 /hr
  • Adelaide
1 1 Verification Hired Once
If you’re looking for an extra pair of hands with your munchkins, please have a look at my profile
| Hi everyone, my name is Vittoria and I’m a 28-year-old girl, very easygoing and open minded. I lived in Australia before, 7 years ago precisely (gee, time flies). I made up my mind right before starting the University, I was very young but yet very responsible and determined: my mum was just about to have an heart attack when I told her about my crazy plan but everything turned out fine. It has been one of the most amazing experience of my entire life so far: I lived in two different families and I enjoyed every single day with them. For the first seven months I looked after a sweet 6 yo girl: we used to do very girly stuff (mostly singing and dancing One Direction songs on repeat, 24/7). For the remaining months (4 ish) I looked after 3 energetic and super fun boys: it was all about LEGO and train table then. I loved it and I loved them, we still FaceTime every now and then and it’s overwhelming to see they’re all grown up now! If you’re looking for an easygoing and reliable babysitter, please have a look at my profile because I’m the best one you can get:) I’m #######..#### doesn’t sound humble at all haha but I’m very passionate about what I do and I do love kids so it may be worth it reading it
Viki is amazing with my two young girls! Very friendly, punctual and the girls are always excited when she comes over. I highly recommend"
... "more
Reviewed by Caz W.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Adelaide is between $24 and $30
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Babysitters in Adelaide

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