I am an Occupational therapist. I have 4 children, 3 of them are grown and on their own.
I love working with people of all ages!! I have 12 + years experience in the medical field. The last 7 years in Occupational Therapy. I have worked with clients of all ages from 2-100 years old with various diagnosis including Autistic, Non...
I have had experience with one child who has special needs whom I babysat when I lived in FL. He was 5 at the time and has down syndrome. He is the sweetest boy. I also have a 21-year-old cousin who has special needs as well. I love working with kids with special needs because they are so unique and always capture my heart. I am...
During the school year I work full time with the more severe special needs student population. Every day I am charged with feeding, changing, ambulating, positioning, child engagement, as well as strong skills in regards to G-Tube feeding, seizure awareness and medication administration. I love my job very much as I had an aunt...
I have previously worked with 2 grown down syndrome individuals. I assisted them in maintaining their apartment (cleaning, budgeting), meals planning, shopping for and preparing meals. We walked or went to the pool to work on physical fitness. I also helped them with transportation to medical appointments and other events.