Débora A.
9016 Sankt Gallen Neudorf
Ab Fr.5
Details zu Débora
30 Jahre alt
I am 30 years old and live with my husband and stepdaughter in a second floor flat. I don't own any pets now but have grown up with dogs all of my life. I love walking and prefer to board small breeds but will take any breed as I love all animals. I offer a dog walking service and a pop in service but would consider any work offered. so please call me and ask.
Erfahren im Umgang mit
Mittelgroße Hunde: 10-20 kg
Services und Preise
Preis pro Auftrag
Tägliches Füttern
Fr.5 / Besuch
Täglicher Auslauf
Fr.7 / Spaziergang
Fr.25 / Nacht
Fr.25 / Tag