Jefrrey M.
8752 Näfels, Glarus
Ab Fr.28
Details zu Jefrrey
45 Jahre alt
I am a family father and work with kids and adults for more then 11 years.
It is my passion. My wife is swiss and we decided to move back to Switzerland from Malta, so i am looking forward to find a job as Manny (Male Nanny).
I have many years of professional experience, also working as a housekeeper, with kids with special needs. Cooking healthy, going outside in nature and being creative is important to me. I am very responsible, reliable, emphatic, sensitiv and flexible.
Please contact me if you are interested and i am happy to answer all your questions.
My references are very good, i can send them to you on your request.
My languages are englisch fluent, italien fluent, german middle level (learning), maltese mother tongue.
Erfahrung mit
Vorschulalter (4-6 Jahre)
Neugeborenen (bis zu 12 Monate)
Grundschulalter (7-12 Jahre)
Kann sich um 4 oder mehr Kinder kümmern
Aktivitäten (z.B. Schwimmen)
Kochen / Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten
Leichte Haushaltsaufgaben
Hilfe bei den Hausaufgaben
Die Kinder ins Bett bringen